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Increase team productivity by using these 3 secret CRM tips - Amaxra

Written by Amaxra | Nov 4, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Here’s the thing about team productivity: no “one size fits all” approach works for every team. But with that being said, there are certainly many effective strategies teams of all kinds that can benefit, including ones that involve your CRM systems.

The problem is, many of these strategies fly under the radar, and leaders don’t know about them until it’s too late and their team’s productivity is already down the drain. But you’re in the right place!

Today, we will tell you how to increase team productivity with secret customer relationship management system tips you haven’t heard before.

(Before you go, don’t miss this post next: How to simplify common admin tasks in Microsoft 365 Business)

Secret CRM Tips to Boost Team Productivity

Let’s begin!

Go Deep

It’s tempting to use your CRM system for a bird’ eye view of each client relationship and not dig much deeper. But if you aren’t reading between the lines with every single client interaction (including requests, feedback, orders, and more), you’re missing out.

Missing out on what? You might be asking.

Most notably, a chance to significantly improve not only your customer relationships but also your team productivity.

Use your CRM software to read between the lines with every client. What are the trends and patterns you’re noticing? Which steps seem to bog down your team the most? These are the kinds of details that can help you anticipate a client’s needs and get on top of things before they slow your whole team down.

Keep in mind, the initial process of digging deeper into your clients’ records might be time-consuming. But rest assured, your efforts will pay off by streamlining productivity in the long run.

(Are you facing new team productivity challenges with the implementation of hybrid work at your organization? Take a look at this article next)

Utilize Task Automation

One of the most beautiful things about an efficient CRM system is its task automation capabilities. On any given day, there are many daily tasks you complete without even thinking of it.

For example, sending an email to a client letting them know their shipment is ready and about to be delivered. At the time, this doesn’t seem like an inefficient process, and it only takes you two minutes to send off the email. But what happens when you send 40 of these emails a week? And your team is doing the same thing?

This adds up to hours and hours of time your team is spending on tasks that could easily be handled with task automation software!

(Want to learn more about task automation? Take a look at this article next, where we discuss Microsoft 365’s Power Automate and how it provides powerful options for users who don’t want to wade through repetitive tasks)

So, make sure you explore all of the task automation opportunities your CRM system offers. And if you aren’t satisfied with the options available to you, it’s time to explore new CRM services.

Meet Your Customers Where They Are

When you think of social media, the last thing that comes to mind is productivity. But what if utilizing social networks was actually one of the best-kept CRM secrets for team productivity you haven’t considered yet?

Today, there are CRM solutions that make it easier than ever to meet your customers where they are…including social, live chat, and other modern methods. By doing so, you are actually streamlining the customer interaction process and making it easier to connect on the platforms of their choice.

When you can offer customer service this way, you’ll quickly notice a boost in customer retention and loyalty. Not to mention, your team productivity can skyrocket when they’re able to connect that much faster with your customers!

Are you interested in learning even more about how CRM and boosting team productivity can go hand in hand? Contact us today so we can develop a holistic solution designed for your desired business outcome.

Did you learn a lot about team productivity in this post?

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